Monday, September 17, 2007


On an average, women’s ovaries stop releasing eggs in her late 40s and early 50s, as a result the menstrual cycle ceases. When there is no period in six months, she said to have completed menopause. The irregularities of period for the last five to ten years before the onset of menopause may be experienced, along with hot flashes and irritability. After menopause women faces increased risk of heart attack, vaginal dryness and decline in of bone mass.

The general symptoms of menopause are, menstrual irregularities, vaginal dryness, irritability or mild depression, hot flashes and night sweat.

Supplements when taken in combination works best. Supplements like ‘black cohosh’ and ‘red clover’ help to stabilize hormonal level, lessening depression, reducing hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Supplements of ‘licorice’ has the same effect as oestrogen, produced by a woman’s body. Taking soy food may protect her against heart disease. Supplements of vitamin E also aids in preventing heart disease. Supplements of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D may help in keeping the bone stronger.

Some women opt for hormone replacement therapy but as hormone replacement therapy is linked to breast cancer, most doctors advice against hormone replacement therapy.

Cutting down on alcohol, spicy foods, chocolate and coffee reduces hot flushes. Getting regular exercise and light weight training helps reducing the hot flashes, preventing heart disease and may protect bones. Soaking in tepid water for 15 to20 minutes a day also prevents hot flashes

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