Thursday, September 20, 2007


Cold is a respiratory tract infection usually lasts for one week, it rarely produce any serious symptoms.

The classic symptoms of cold are sore throat, sneezing, head and chest congestion accompanied by nasal discharge, fever and chills, headache, fatigue and muscle aches.

Cold is caused by a virus that attaches themselves to the lining of the nose or throat and then spread through out the upper respiratory system occasionally to the lung as well. As a response to the attack the body immune system floods the area of invasion with white blood cells to counter the invasion. The symptoms of cold aren’t produced by the virus but the response of the body to stop the infection caused by the virus.

Dry air which dries the nasal passage becomes the breeding ground for cold virus. Smokers are twice as likely to catch cold, than non smokers as they compromise their immune system. Supplements of vitamins and minerals helps the body combating cold and recover faster from cold .Supplements of high doses of vitamin A which has strong antiviral action is effective. Supplements of vitamin C may not only prevents cold but it may shorten the duration of cold. Zinc lozenges may be beneficial combating cold. Zinc lozenges are effective when the common ingredients are ascorbate, gluconate and glycinate, Zinc lozenges with sorbitol, mannitol or citric acid makes zinc ineffective when combined with saliva so they may not be as effective.

In general using humidifier or vaporizer in the winter to keep the indoor air moist may prevent cold. While taking supplements of vitamins and minerals, proper consultation with your physician is always wiser.

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