Wednesday, September 26, 2007


A severe headache, that usually begins on one side of head usually last for hours or days.

The actual cause is still unknown. The prevailing theory is that migraine initiates by the spasm in the arteries that supplies blood to the brain. There may be a number of reasons which may initiates migraine like lack of sleep, stress, fluctuation in blood sugar, certain foods, changes in weather, bright light, dental pain, liver problem, hormonal imbalance and many others.

The usual symptoms of migraine are intense throbbing pain one or both sides of the head, painful aversion to light, loss of appetite, nausea vomiting. It seems women are more susceptible to migraine than men.

Certain foods like aged cheese, onion, pickle, red wine, beer, sour cream, nuts, eggs, tomatoes, oranges, caffeinated drinks may cause migraine which contains a compound called amines is a known source for triggering migraine.

Taking recommended supplements along with prescribed medicine is useful in preventing migraine. Supplements of minerals like magnesium and calcium helps maintaining healthy blood vessels thereby reducing migraine.
Herb called ‘rosemary’ prevent migraine as well as reduce nausea and stomach pain Supplements of riboflavin may reduce migraine more effectively than rosemary, if still the attack is there adding supplements of vitamin C and pantothenic acid may prove beneficial.

Omega3 fatty acids may help prevent migraine as it seems to alter the blood chemicals reducing the risk of blood vessel spasm.

Regular exercising drinking 1.5 liters of water a day, relaxation technique to cope with stress and identifying the elements that trigger can help preventing migraine.


A use has been found for everything but snoring - Mark Twain. Snoring is truly an useless aspect of sleep especially when it is caused by someone else. A survey shows 45% of US adults occasionally snore while 25% are habitual snorers. Overweight males are the more common suspects.

Snoring Occurs when the channel through which air passes at the back end of the nose opens at the point where mouth ends and throat begins. This is also the place where tongue and upper throat meet the soft palate and uvula and is sort of collapsible in nature. While sleeping they may come in contact of each other and they may obstruct the air flow. Then the passing air forces them to vibrate them against each other. This vibration in turn gives rise to the noise we call snoring. This can be because of Obstructed Nasal airway, large tonsils and adenoids, any deformities in the nose and nasal septum, throat tissues being excessively bulky, obesity also a reason.

Reduction and eradication of Snoring is possible by avoiding excessive alcohol, caffeine, smoking, over eating and under exercising, Homeopathy and natural remedies available in health food stores. Correction of posture while sleeping. Spraying lubricating oil which covers the throat tissues facilitates air flow and thus reduce snoring. Nasal spray which reduce the swelling of nasal tissues and the nasal congestion. CPAP machinery uses a mask to blow air through the nose preventing disruption of breathing and thus eliminates snoring. If everything else fails there is always surgeries like uvulopalatoplasty helps in reducing snoring. Taking supplements of vitamins and minerals to maintain proper nutrient balance in the body also helps in the long run. Supplements should always be taken as per requirement for their proper utilization and avoiding any adverse effect as per the direction of a physician.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Detox is the short form of detoxification, generally referred to removal of toxic substances from the body. Detoxification can be physical withdrawal from the toxic substances or induced withdrawal with the help of certain dugs and chemicals, sometimes a combination of both the methods. Detoxification can be of various types like alcohol detoxification, drug detoxification, metabolic detoxification and others.

In case of alcohol detoxification the process involves counseling, therapy, giving psychological support and administering certain drugs like ‘Antabuse’, as and when needed. A balanced diet along with the treatment is also very necessary during the process, as body is usually deficient in a number of vitamins and minerals during this time. Additional supplement of vitamins and minerals may also be necessary during the process of detoxification to maintain proper health. As different supplements reacts in a different way, they should always be used under strict medical supervision.

There are certain alternative ways for detoxification claim to remove toxins by herbal, electromagnetic and electrical treatment but there is very little evidence about the actual potential of this methods. Echinacea, a hardy herbaceous perennial native to North America, is known for its medicinal use, this herb is used to detoxify circulatory and respiratory system.

The harmful substances which are produced within the body get detoxified automatically by the kidney and liver. If the toxic agents are not eliminated by them, then our body can get damaged by the toxic substances, which may surface through different symptoms and ailments.

It is believed that water acts as a great detoxic agent as it washes out all the toxic elements from our body.


Cold is a respiratory tract infection usually lasts for one week, it rarely produce any serious symptoms.

The classic symptoms of cold are sore throat, sneezing, head and chest congestion accompanied by nasal discharge, fever and chills, headache, fatigue and muscle aches.

Cold is caused by a virus that attaches themselves to the lining of the nose or throat and then spread through out the upper respiratory system occasionally to the lung as well. As a response to the attack the body immune system floods the area of invasion with white blood cells to counter the invasion. The symptoms of cold aren’t produced by the virus but the response of the body to stop the infection caused by the virus.

Dry air which dries the nasal passage becomes the breeding ground for cold virus. Smokers are twice as likely to catch cold, than non smokers as they compromise their immune system. Supplements of vitamins and minerals helps the body combating cold and recover faster from cold .Supplements of high doses of vitamin A which has strong antiviral action is effective. Supplements of vitamin C may not only prevents cold but it may shorten the duration of cold. Zinc lozenges may be beneficial combating cold. Zinc lozenges are effective when the common ingredients are ascorbate, gluconate and glycinate, Zinc lozenges with sorbitol, mannitol or citric acid makes zinc ineffective when combined with saliva so they may not be as effective.

In general using humidifier or vaporizer in the winter to keep the indoor air moist may prevent cold. While taking supplements of vitamins and minerals, proper consultation with your physician is always wiser.


Anyone who is passing hard stools for more than three times a week, have to strain to defecate is suffering from constipation.

The main cause of constipation is lack of fiber and fluid in the diet other factors may be prolonged inactivity, medical disorder, severe depression, diabetes, high blood calcium level, colon cancer and others.

When there is a abrupt change in bowel habits, symptoms last for more than two weeks, fever accompanied by abdominal pain, if there is blood in stool a consultation with the doctor along with complete checkup is necessary.

Supplements of vitamin C, is useful for treating occasional constipation. Daily dose of 3000mg vitamin C loosen stools in most people. A combination of vitamin C along with magnesium is also effective. Prune juice of dried prunes is also effective as they have laxative property. Herb ‘cascara sagrada’ is also effective it is a strong laxative that stimulates bowel muscles to contact, but should be avoided during pregnancy and breast feeding.

Supplements of vitamin C and use of other laxative should be used after consultation with a registered medical practioner, as high doses of vitamin C and the use of herbal medicine may cause adverse effect complicating the situation.

In general to avoid constipation dinking at least 250 to 300 ml of water or juice a day, eating food with high fiber content like whole grain, bran and dried beans, exercising regularly and not resisting when the urge to go to bathroom strikes are some of the natural ways to prevent constipation.


In general term antioxidants prevent or slow down the process of oxidation. In the process of oxidation free radicals are formed which can damage cells like a chain reaction. Antioxidants break the chain by removing the radical elements either by inhibiting the oxidation reaction or by being oxidized by them.

Antioxidants are often reducing agents like polyphenols and thiols. Vitamin A, C and E are identified as antioxidants. The most common source of antioxidants are fruits, vegetables, grains cereals, nuts and legumes. Antioxidants like ascorbic acid and lycopene can get destroyed by prolonged cooking or longer storage time, for which processed foods have less antioxidants than fresh uncooked food.

Antioxidants can boost the immune system, and prevent neurodegeneration and macular degeneration. It is believed that supplements like vitamin E can prevent heart disease.

Low levels of antioxidants can cause stress called ‘oxidative stress’ which can damage or kill cells, also thought to contribute to a large number of illness like Diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Rheumatoid arthritis, Motor Neuron disease and many others.

To overcome unknown oxidative stress dietary supplement are used widely in the form of antioxidants to maintain health and prevent certain diseases.

Antioxidants are used as medication to treat various type of brain injury. As the metabolic rate and the polyunsaturated lipid level is high in the brain so the risk of oxidative injury is also high. On the other hand supplements of high doses of antioxidants can be harmful.

They may have long term harmful effect, like adverse effect of beta-carotene supplement in smokers. It is always wiser to consult a Doctor before taking antioxidant supplements.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Anxiety is a natural response of our body, which prepares the body against any external harm or threat, sensing danger the brain signals a hormone which prepares our body to defend itself.
In some people the natural response is set in motion even when there is no threat or harm. Such reaction can cause exhaustion, sense of detachment from the surroundings, lack of concentration increase in blood pressure, headaches and stomach problems.

There are two categories of anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder a chronic condition that involves recurring sense of worry accompanied by physical symptoms like insomnia, depression, low sex drive, inability to relax, muscle tension, back pain and head aches which are the common symptoms of chronic anxiety and Panic attack which comes so suddenly and violently that symptoms are often mistaken as heart attack or some life threatening condition.

It is believed that anxiety may begin after an upsetting event like divorce, accident, death and many other causes. It is found people with anxiety have higher level of lactic acid a chemical which is produced when muscle metabolizes sugar without enough oxygen or it may be due to over production of stress hormones by the brain and the adrenal glands.
Some prominent symptoms of anxiety are extreme fear, dry mouth, dizziness, excessive perspiration, chills, rapid heart breath and breathing.

Supplements of calcium, magnesium and vitamin B complex along with extra thiamine is beneficial for people suffering from anxiety.

Exercising regularly to burn the lactic acid, cutting out caffeine (people with anxiety are extremely sensitive to caffeine) and reducing excess sugar may reduce anxiety.

Bad Breath

Clinically it is called halitosis and it is the last thing any healthy person would wants.
The bad smell can be due to smoking, drinking alcohol, eating food like garlic, onion, anchovies etc. It may be due to some underlying medical condition which can become chronic.

The bad breath is usually caused by the odor causing bacteria in the mouth. The drier the mouth the more the bacteria, any condition that dries the mouth can lead to bad breath, it may be sickness, certain medications, crash, diet etc. Bacteria may also thrive in the food debris that accumulates on the dentures, on the teeth, in the cavities . In some cases chronic sinus infection, gum disease, improper digestion of the foods may be the underlying cause.

Some common symptoms of bad breath are, experiencing disagreeable taste a sign that the breath leaving the mouth has an unpleasant odor, people step back while talking and bleeding gum can be the common symptoms of bad breath.

Supplements of peppermint can be effective but a large amount of peppermint oil may cause heart burn. Supplements of ‘spirulina’ and ‘fennel’ is also effective in controlling bad breath. Commercially available mouth wash may reduce bad breath but they have only temporary effect

Bad breath can generally be controlled by not smoking, avoiding alcohol and strong smelling foods, using a moist tooth brush, brushing the teeth after every meal, using a tongue scraper. To ensure that the tooth brush remains bacteria free storing it in grape fruit seed extract or hydrogen peroxide can be effective.


On an average, women’s ovaries stop releasing eggs in her late 40s and early 50s, as a result the menstrual cycle ceases. When there is no period in six months, she said to have completed menopause. The irregularities of period for the last five to ten years before the onset of menopause may be experienced, along with hot flashes and irritability. After menopause women faces increased risk of heart attack, vaginal dryness and decline in of bone mass.

The general symptoms of menopause are, menstrual irregularities, vaginal dryness, irritability or mild depression, hot flashes and night sweat.

Supplements when taken in combination works best. Supplements like ‘black cohosh’ and ‘red clover’ help to stabilize hormonal level, lessening depression, reducing hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Supplements of ‘licorice’ has the same effect as oestrogen, produced by a woman’s body. Taking soy food may protect her against heart disease. Supplements of vitamin E also aids in preventing heart disease. Supplements of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D may help in keeping the bone stronger.

Some women opt for hormone replacement therapy but as hormone replacement therapy is linked to breast cancer, most doctors advice against hormone replacement therapy.

Cutting down on alcohol, spicy foods, chocolate and coffee reduces hot flushes. Getting regular exercise and light weight training helps reducing the hot flashes, preventing heart disease and may protect bones. Soaking in tepid water for 15 to20 minutes a day also prevents hot flashes


Fatigue is not an ailment but symptoms of other problems usually associated with over work, lack of nutrition, insomnia, poor sleeping habits and other medical disorders.

People suffer from fatigue due to stress, anxiety, lowered immunity, depression and chronic illness, vitamins and minerals deficiencies can lead to fatigue, women in particular can experience fatigue due to fluctuating level of hormones during pregnancy, at menopause and from anemia caused by heavy period. Sleeping disorders and blood pressure drugs can also bring fatigue.

Common symptoms of fatigue are difficulty in accomplishing familiar tasks, less interest in activities that were once appealing, tendency to become angry, feeling tired all the time, feeling impatient or distressed and other medical problems like thyroid and anemia can be linked with this symptoms.

Supplements of vitamin B complex which supports the immune and nervous system, enhancing the effectiveness of white blood cells which fight bacteria and viruses and vitamin C, supplements supports the adrenal gland which promotes immune function, helps repair tissues and control stress hormone in the body proved to be beneficial combating fatigue. Supplements of Panax ginseng and Siberian ginseng is known to fight fatigue.

Some general ways to fight fatigue are going to sleep and getting up at the same time every day. Getting at least eight hours of sleep a night not skipping breakfast, avoiding large meals, fatty foods, alcohol and caffeinated drinks near bed time, keeping active, moderate exercise and eating lots of fruits and vegetables.

As fatigue is the underlying cause of any deficiency and disease, proper consultation with the doctor is wiser before taking any supplements and medicines.

Smoke first, Die fast!!

Tried to quit smoking, but couldn’t succeed. Right now while I am writing this article I am smoking, I know how hard it is to quit smoking, I tried to quit smoking but succumbed to the urge to get that vile smoke inside my lung, it’s no longer a habit or fun, it’s just plain addiction now, cutting down the frequency or number of cigarettes does not improve the condition. I have to stop smoking. There is no other option either stop it or die painfully, from this self induced slow poisoning.

Do you think being a nonsmoker you can show the light to the smokers who wants to quit? And save them from this self induced slow poisoning.

Link for smokers

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Depression is an illness that affects every aspect of life both mental and physical. It lowers self esteem; person with depression has difficulty performing the ordinary daily activity. Depression can be short term or long term. At a chronic stage it leads to total inability to function may even give rise to the thought of suicide.

Some common symptoms of depression are feeling of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness, poor or increased appetite, chronic aches and pains, loss of pleasure in ordinary activity, weight loss or weight gain, persistent sad or empty mood, thoughts of dead and suicide are some of the most prominent symptoms of depression

Depression can initiate due to any reason, it doesn’t have any single underlying factor, it is generally believed that an imbalance in the brain’s neurotransmitters can cause depression, or it can be triggered by a depressive episode like divorce, death of a loved one, loss of a job or contract, life threatening illness and others. Dysfunctional way of coping with anger, guilt or other emotions, Consumption of alcohol, smoking and foods allergies may also cause depression.

Supplements of vitamin B and vitamin C is effective as it is found that, low level of this vitamins are associated with depression. Supplements of calcium and magnesium are helpful as they have a soothing effect on the nerves and can help when depression interferes with sleep. Ginko biloba can be effective during depression. Herbs and the amino acid L -tyrosine is also effective.

Any supplements should be taken with care after proper consultation with a doctor, as some of them may have adverse effect which may do more harm than benefit.
Like L -tyrosine should never be combined with anti depressant drugs.


Macular Degeneration

The break down of macula the light sensitive area in the centre of the retina that controls the central visual field and the ability to see color, as a result eyesight is impaired only the peripheral vision remain intact the centre of the vision gets blurry, grey or filled with large blank spot. Which makes it difficult to read, drive and recognizing someone’s face.

Macular degeneration can be of two types, one is age related as the as macula thins and bits of debris gather beneath the macula with age, this condition develops slowly.
Second is haemorrrhagic macular degeneration where new blood vessels grow underneath the retina this leads to the breakage of fragile vessels which leaks fluid and blood causing scar tissues to form and central vision deteriorate rapidly.

The main cause of macular degeneration is high fat diet, smoking and exposure to sunlight. Heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes may also be the contributing factor.

The usual symptoms of macular degeneration are faded and washed out color, blurry grey or blank spot in the centre of the field of vision and distorted vision, printed word looks burred, objects appears to be the wrong shape and size.

Supplements of antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E and different types of carotenoids can neutralize the free radicals linked to macular degeneration. As zinc plays a key role in the functioning of the retina, supplements of zinc is also very effective.

Wearing sunglasses to protect the eyes from direct sunlight, not smoking and eating a lot fruits and green leafy vegetables, can slow down the process of macular degeneration.


Your child

One of the most important aspects of upbringing a child is child health. A child who is healthy both mentally and physically is a healthy child. Mental health of a child has a profound effect on child health, a mentally healthy child is free from any form of mental illness. Mental health can be the capacity to relate, love, adaptation and emotional adjustments.
Love and trust is the foundation of the relation between a child and parent. Letting the child know that his/her parents will be there is very assuring for a growing child.

Children always want to know how their parents feel and react about different things around them. They want to discuss many things with their parents.

Children should be trusted, they should always be shown reason when they are doing something wrong they should be explained why it is wrong. There should be an open discussion about the problem and why it needs to be changed. There should always be a limit regarding their activities at home or away from home. Parents has can approve and disapprove the activities and decisions.

Parents should always, have to be fair in building a healthy self esteem level. A child will behave the way their parents behave with them .Never belittle them or tear them. Always try steer clear of generalization, put downs and judgmental statement.

A child health should never be compromised with anything. Giving them proper food and care is must. A child should have a balanced diet to meet the nutrient demand, supplements of vitamins and minerals are essential for their proper growth and development. But supplements should be given as per the instruction of a physician.
Self administered supplements can do more harm than benefit to a growing child.


Do you really know why you can't sleep?

Insomnia is related to the sleep problem often related to stress that lasts a couple of nights or a few weeks. But it can become chronic if it lasts for more than months even year.

The main cause of insomnia is not known but it is believed to be the underlying cause of some conditions and situations. Insomnia can be related to a major illness, dietary and lifestyle plays a major role, physical pain anything can contribute to insomnia. However tension, anxiety and depression can be the major cause of insomnia. Certain herbs like ginseng, kola and ginger have a stimulating effect, which may create difficulty sleeping.

Some of the particular symptoms of insomnia are inability to fall asleep, difficulty falling asleep, waking up too early and feeling tired most of the time nodding off during the day.

Supplement of a herb called ‘valerian’ can be effectively against insomnia. Valerian and Chamomile a similar herb are recognized as herbal sedatives often prescribed by the doctor. Alternative to ‘valerian’ a hormone melatonin a synthetic version of body’s own sleep hormone can be effectively used for, people who can’t sleep because of chronic pain, but it should be used only under strict medical supervision or it may have adverse effect complicating the situation. Supplements of vitamin B6, along with Niacinamide also works well against insomnia. Sometimes lack of calcium, magnesium or vitamin B6 can lead to sleep problem so replenishing those nutrients can be beneficial.

Regular exercising, avoiding alcohol, smoking and caffeine and sticking to regular sleeping pattern can prevent insomnia.


Your mood says it all

Someone very famous once said: “I tried Yoga once but found stress to be less boring.” Whoever it was, chances are that he might have lived a very long healthy life. In today’s urbanized and service economy oriented world where our lives are becoming more and more desk bound and complicated by the minute, it is no wonder that our energy levels are going down and mood is starting to behave like a pendulum. As a result of which the stress levels are threatening to go through the roof. If we fail to manage this stress level surely it will make lives our lives unmanageable and shorter.

Now the question is how to manage or reduce the stress level in our lives? One of the sure ways is to engage in regular exercises like Yoga, Pranayam and meditation which are very good in controlling our mind and body. But for those of us who find them to be tedious and boring the only way to stay alive and calm at the same time is to use stress management supplements which are also known as medicines to increase stress tolerance. These supplements may contain various nutrients that enable our body cells to manage stress more effectively and efficiently and also help the body to produce more energy.

As a rule of thumb, the more energy we have the better we can cope with stress. Stress Helper® is an example of such supplements which contain the nutrients like Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC), Pantethine and Carnosine. Supplements of antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E is also helpful.