The actual cause is still unknown. The prevailing theory is that migraine initiates by the spasm in the arteries that supplies blood to the brain. There may be a number of reasons which may initiates migraine like lack of sleep, stress, fluctuation in blood sugar, certain foods, changes in weather, bright light, dental pain, liver problem, hormonal imbalance and many others.
The usual symptoms of migraine are intense throbbing pain one or both sides of the head, painful aversion to light, loss of appetite, nausea vomiting. It seems women are more susceptible to migraine than men.
Certain foods like aged cheese, onion, pickle, red wine, beer, sour cream, nuts, eggs, tomatoes, oranges, caffeinated drinks may cause migraine which contains a compound called amines is a known source for triggering migraine.
Taking recommended supplements along with prescribed medicine is useful in preventing migraine. Supplements of minerals like magnesium and calcium helps maintaining healthy blood vessels thereby reducing migraine.
Omega3 fatty acids may help prevent migraine as it seems to alter the blood chemicals reducing the risk of blood vessel spasm.
Regular exercising drinking 1.5 liters of water a day, relaxation technique to cope with stress and identifying the elements that trigger can help preventing migraine.