Saturday, December 29, 2007

Minor bruises, sprains and pains

Forget about ice or anything that's really cold. Try a package of frozen vegetables. Give it a few bangs with a hammer to shape into a useful shape. Many people suggest adding a grated onion and potato to a bowl of warm water for soaking your sore hand or foot. Pro athletes use the potato trick to relive minor swelling and soreness of injured fingers. Simply cut a large enough hole in the potato, plunge in your sore digit, and watch the starch in the potato do the trick.

Got a headache? Cut out a small piece of a regular brown paper bag of the type you bring home the groceries in. Dip in vinegar (white vinegar seems to work better) and place on forehead Your minor headache should be gone shortly! One off-beat remedy that may work at times simply requires that you flail your arms vigorously for several minutes. Most headaches are caused by constriction of blood vessels inside your head. By moving your arms as described, you reduce some blood flow, and may reduce swelling of affected vessels that give you the headache in the first place. Stop if you feel any discomfort, increased pain or get light-headed.

Home remedies for Cough & Cold

Coughs and sore throats can be controlled with several home remedies. A classic required a large lemon. Start by slowing roasting it until it just splits open. Now take up to half a teaspoon of honey with the juice from the lemon. Repeat at hourly intervals until the cough is under control.

Take a large clove, peel and keep it in your mouth. Bite down every so-often to release the natural juices. Replace with a new clove every four or five hours. Your cold symptoms are reported to be to gone in twenty four, to forty eight hours.

Home remedies for sore and smelly feet.

Every one's feet take a beating. Here's a few tips for common problems. Rejuvenate tired feet by pampering them with a soothing bath in a mixture of barley or millet. Use about two cups in ten cups of water. Slowly bring to a slow boil, once it gets to a soup like consistency take off heat, let cool. When at a comfortable temperature pour into large container and soak your feet for a half hour.

Ingrown toenails cause a lot of pain. This tip can work wonders! At bedtime put a lemon wedge on the sore toe and secure in place. By morning, the juices should soften the inflamed skin enough to allow you to trim the nail away from the skin it worked its way into. Trim toe nails flat do not round corners to help prevent re occurrence.

Corns can be rubbed with castor oil or with a vitamin E capsule. Repeat daily for two weeks and you should be able to easily get rid of your corns.

Know someone who got really smelly feet? Try this. Let four to six tea bags steep fifteen to twenty minutes in a large bowl. Transfer to a good sized basin, add enough cool water to just cover your feet, let soak for half an hour. The tannin in the tea should get rid of the bacteria that cause the odor. Wash feet well after use to avoid staining. Repeat several times a day for a couple of weeks. There is one out of the line remedy, try urinating on your feet during shower, it is a proven age old technique, most frequently used by the soldiers during WWII not always during shower ;-)

For broken nails rub an onion or garlic juice several times a day. Try eating almonds and lots of green vegetables. Brittle nails may be a sign of iron deficiency and some serious diseases.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Travel medical insurance

Whenever you plan to travel somewhere, the first thing you have in your mind is how best to make the trip a successful one, for that your state of health plays a major role while planning your trip. You change your usual routine during the trip, tend to eat and drink as per your trip. Beside this weather also plays a vital role as some people find it difficult to adjust with changing weather, which may affect their health and might require medical attention in some cases. For cases like this travel medical insurance provides you full medical protection which includes all your medical cost incurred during traveling and extra coverage like emergency flight and emergency evacuation.

‘Travel medical insurance’ gives you extensive medical coverage whether you are on a fun trip or for some official work. This insurance policy comes at various prices depending upon the age of the policy holder, length of policy coverage, maximum benefits and deductible selected. A policy which has comprehensive coverage is best as it gives full protections associated with medical treatments.

In general travel medical policies gives you the following benefits :-

* Medical cost incurred on your treatments along with cost incurred in purchasing of medicine.

* Medical evacuation in case of emergency to the near medical health facility.

* In case of death of any of the member of your group then the cost of the returning of the dead body to the one’s home country

If you are insured under travel medical health insurance policy you get full medical protection while you are on the road traveling for fun or for some official work. You can get yourself insured either by some authorized insurance agents available in your area or getting insured online, for both the cases before getting the policy always check for it’s credibility and coverage because at the end that is what matters the most.

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